Creating Disability Awareness
Everyone at my school had to do a diploma project in their final year. We could mix up with students from the two other branches, graphic design and photography. I teamed up with two photographers, to create dasProject.
The content of the website, including all text, came from the photographers, except for this video I made:
The site features individuals, to highlight the fact that it’s not their disability that shapes them. The texts about them mention everyday topics and interests, instead of detailing their disability.
As for the website, I created a minimalistic design, so that the viewers’ attention is on the images. I still managed to sneak in some little details which make browsing through fun. The main element of the site is a carousel, which, when clicked, sends you to the corresponding page, without changing the content of itself. Thanks to the power of Gatsby (then in v0), page transitions happen in an instant to create a very seamless experience.